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Queer Youth of Faith Day

Queer Youth of Faith Day is a time for queer youth to celebrate their faith and take pride in ALL of who they are. One in five LGBTQ+ youth say their faith is important to them. However, most queer youth are still taught that queerness has no place in God’s kingdom. Negative aspects of certain religious groups push conversion therapy because they believe that identifying as LGBTQ+ is a sin. As a result, many of these young believers suffer from self-hate, depression, and self-harm. Many ultimately leave their faith behind while bringing their religious trauma along with them. However, there is hope for those who are in need of a safe comforting space.

Beloved Arise is on a mission to reach LGBTQ+ youth of faith and invite them into a loving community where they can build friendships, find hope and healing, and grow their faith—not abandon it. You can have an impact on LGBTQ+ youth of faith by visiting their volunteer page.

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